Friday, September 18, 2009

Craft Projects

Back in May, I found this pattern for a bag. I loved it and thought that it would be great to carry all of my things for church in. I have been looking at it, got the strips sewn, and then left it for two months. The other day I was talking to a friend and she was saying how this year she made a goal to finish all the unfinished projects lying around. This inspired me to pick up the bag and finish it. Tonight I finally did it. It is not exactly how I wanted it to look, but it is much better than the ugly black bag I was using.

The bottom picture is the quilt I made for Guy and Erin's baby boy. I finished this this summer but had yet to post the photo. I decided that it was time to post the photos. This is a quilt that I have been wanting to make for a while. I LOVE the sock monkey fabric. Now if I can just get the quilt made for Dallin that I bought the fabric for when he was 6 months old.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I love Autumn. It probably has something to do with spending many of my growing up years in the New England area. Nothing compares to a New England fall. The colors are beautiful and there is just a feeling that I can't explain. I still get excited to see the trees change color. I love the cool brisk mornings that turn into comfortable days. The smells of fall are yummy too. Pumpkin pie and apple cobbler. I always crave Boston Brown bread this time of year and a bowl of clam chowder.

This morning as I was coming home from dropping the kids off at school, I was driving down the road and it felt cool. It smelled cool. I saw the kids riding their bikes to school and they had jackets on. I got excited because that means fall is here!

For a quick change of subject, I love our little town. It is still small enough that you can know the people who live near you and have them wave when you drive by. The people are the best and watch out for each other. Since I will probably never have the chance to live in New England again, I am glad I get to live in my little town!