Friday, July 17, 2009

To Do Lists

To do lists, what is it about them that just motivates me? I love them. I can look at a job that needs doing and put it off but once it makes the list I have to get it done. In college I carried around my Franklin planner. Every morning I faithfully filled out my to do list and ordered them. I love it. It gave me a purpose to my day, it gave me order and structure. A couple of years ago I decided that I did not need the list anymore, I could just remember the list and get it finished. Boy was I wrong. Not that things did not get done, just not as much as I would like to have done in a day. Yesterday I created the first list I have made in a long time. It was like welcoming home a long lost friend. I hung it on my fridge and joyously crossed off the tasks as I finished them. It made me happy to see the jobs crossed off. I guess I never grew out of wanting gold star for doing work well and crossing off the job gives me the same thrill I used to get when a paper was returned in school and it had a sticker and the wonderful 100 at the top!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Name Tags

I hate name tags. I know they serve a purpose but I hate them. I feel like a walking Teddy Ruxpin without having to say a word. Also, if I want you to know my name I will tell you and if I want to know yours I'll ask. Do we have to force everyone to know who we are.
Today while procrastinating my homework and house cleaning I saw this name tag and it made me laugh (might have something to do with this being one of my favorite lines in a movie). I think next time I have to wear one of these name tags, this is what I am going to put.