Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Richard

Richard's birthday turned into a wonderful and busy day. It started ealy by meeting our friends Loyd and Terr and their family for breakfast. Loyd and Richard share the same birthdays. We had a lot of fun and then took the kids home and headed up to Far West to order Richard's custom Saddle bags. He was nice enough to stop by Tai Pan for me so that I could hit their after christmas sale and pick up a few more decorations for the tree. When we got home, Drue, Shantel, Kolby, and Kenzie came out to dinner with us and then came over to open presents and visit. Shantel and I took pictures of the kids, and are both excited to take a class together and learn to use our cameras better.

Christmas Day

We had a nice and quiet Christmas day. It was nice to just stay home. The kids woke up around 7 and we begin opening what Santa had brought. Later in the afternoon, Richard went to get his mom and Guy, Erin, and Parker came over. Richard made a wonderful dinner and we just enjoyed spending time together. Erin and I watched most of Mamma Mia, and Guy helped Becca learn to use her new tablet. (I'll post more on that later) .That night we got a wonderful snow storm. Well, wonderful once we knew Guy and Erin where home safely.

New Christmas tree

I know I am a little late, but better late than never. Ever since I was a little girl, and we came out to Utah to visit Grandma and Grandpa Nelson at Christmas, I have dreamed of having two Christmas trees in my house. This year that became a reality. Richard was a wonderful husband and went to tai pan traiding with me for date night early in November and helped me pick out all of the decorations. We choose red and silver so that it would go with the sliegh bells my parents give us every year for Christmas. It was fun this year to have the pretty tree upstairs and the memory tree (what my kids have named it) downstairs.
One of the sleigh bells
Pretty Ball

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sorry that you have to click to view the video but I could not get it to post from Youtube.

Today, we began a faculty meeting with this video. It was amazing to me and expressed why I do what I do every day. I Beleive in the kids I teach!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

TAG- I'm It

Erin tagged me and so I decided to finaly take a minute (procrastinating homework) and respond.

8 things tag

8 T.V Shows I like

1. Gillmore Girls
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Ugly Betty
4.What not to wear
5. Samantha Who
6.The Dog Whisper
7. Phinias and Ferb
8. Wizards of Waverly Place

8 things I did yesterday

1. Woke up too early and could not go back to sleep.
2. Teach
3. Dishes
4. Took girls to violin and Viola
5. Put gas in the car
6. Listened to Dallin's fhe lesson
7. Played with Elphie
8. Finished my report

8 Things I am looking forward to

1. Putting up the christmas tree
2. Seeing our family pictures
3. My sister Nicole and her family comming out for Thanksgiving
4. Snow!!!!
5. Baking for christmas
6. Christmas Break
7. Finishing my masters
8. Riding lessons

8 Favorite Resturants

2. Franks
3. Franks - yes it is that good
4. Settabellos
5. Red Rock
6. Market Street Grill
7. Log Haven
8. Happy Sumo

8 Things I look forward to

1. A trip to Disneyland
2. Going camping with the horses
3. my house finished the way I want it
4. More free time
5. Becca being able to drive
6. Dallin starting school
7. Elphie being trained
8. Living a healthier lifestyle

8 people I tagg

1. Becca
2. Nicole
3. Chris
4. Eric
5. Connie
6. Everyone from my ward with a blog
8. Number 6 takes care of 7 and 8

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My New Love

It happened. I have been fighting it my entire life but now, I have had to give in. Two weeks ago Dallin and Richard went up to Idaho and brought back Peppy and Janie. Monday, we took the family out to ride for family home evening. That was it. I rode Peppy and fell in love. Janie is too much of a horse for me but Peppy and I have fallen in love. Today, thanks to Justin, my confidance incresed and I was able to trot. Yes, me trotting. I cannot believe it. Latter today we took the kids and grandkids out to ride the horses. I will post about this latter.

Carving Pumpkins

Today Drue, Shantel, Kolby, McKenzie, Guy,Erin, and Parker came over to carve pumpkins. It was a lot of fun to have them all here.
Dad and Dallin carving their pumpkin

Dig in!

McKenzie and Becca
(Shantel, I need some pictures of Kolby and Drue. If you have any please send them to me so I can add them the post)
We are so glad that everyone could come. We missed those who where not with us.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday we took the kids, grandkids, and their parents to the Circus. It was so much fun. All the kids had a great time! We can't wait to do it again next year. Next year we can't wait to take Garrett and his parents with us too.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Have you finished the last book? It was sooooo good! Last Sunday Lindsey and I were talking and we decided that we should plan a girls night to go see the movie when it comes out. I was then talking to Jana and she said lets do it so here is the plan. I looked at the calendar, and I don't want to fight the lines the weekend it comes out and the next weekend is Thanksgiving so I was thinking about the first weekend in December. Either the Thursday or Friday. Leave a message and let me know what day works best and we will plan it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family heritage - Family history


MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Sarah's Turn

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph

Funny meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Pedigree - Family photo sharing

Shantel posted this cute meter on her blog so I decided that I would try it. It told me that Dallin looks more like Richard than me.

Friday, August 8, 2008


At the end of July the kids and I had the oppurtunity to make a quick trip to Boise and spend time with Chris, Steve, and Ethan. One of the days we were there we took the kids to a park they have close to their house. The kids had fun swinging, playing in the sound garden, climbing on the fun jungle gym, and playing in the water.
Thanks Chris and Steve for making our trip so fun.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Man Fridge

The girls, Dallin, and I decided to leave today after my training and come up and visit my sister Chris and her family in Boise. Tonight as Chris and I were talking after everyone else went to bed we were talking about her "Man" fridge. There is a story that goes with the fridge and if you want to know it click on the Crump link on the side of my page and she should have a story about her "man" fridge. I loved the fridge and had to post a picture so that all of you could appreciate this wonderful appliance.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Amazing Family

My sister Nicole has an amazing couple in her ward that is adopting 8 kids from here in Utah. Log on to be amazed and inspired. I wish them the best of luck!

Knitting Summer Away

When I went to vist Nicole she handed me a bag with the most wonderful yarn in it and said I could have it. I told her I would knit something for her with it. I decided on a sweater for Hannah. It has taken a month but here it is. The Pumpkin hat was something that I did one day becuase I could not move on with the sweater until I visited the Heimstitched Heirlooms and got some help. I have found that knitting brings peace to me soul and lets me just be calm for a while. My next project is a pair of socks. I'll let you know how it goes.
Cute, fast hat
Hannah's new sweater. I still need to stich up one side and put on the buttons.

Days of 47

Kids at at the Rodeo
Cool Opening to the Rodeo, They had a light show, flames that went up into the air and then this 47 lit up.

Yesterday we went to the Days of 47 rodeo with Drue, Shantel and family. It was fun to be there with them. Kolby enjoyed sitting on grandpa's lap and McKenzie was the bell of the ball. She is such a happy cute little girl. Becca, Kiersten,and Sarah enjoyed getting involved and cheering form the cowboys as they did thier thing. Dallin enjoyed deciding what food dad should go get him next. The best part for me was when they announced that a cowboy doing the bareback bronk riding would be riding a horse name Dieter Uchtdorf. A little later they had President Uchtdorf stand up as they found out he was at the rodeo with his family. This was a great night and we hope to do it again with them next year.

President Uchtdorf and family

McKenzie and Sarah

Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 4th

We had a fantastic 4th of July. We went to Lagoon with my family. This was the first year that Dallin was willing to ride anything. Sarah was a wonderful sister and rode rides with him for the first little while that we were there so that he could get used to the rides. After about an hour he was ready to ride on his own. Kiersten and Becca went off on thier own for the first time. They were so responsible and checked in every once in a while so that mom would not worry about them. We stayed until the fireworks which were wonderful.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hair Bows

Sarah and I have been on a hair adventure this summer. Everyday we tryout new hairstyles that we find on the blog. She decided that for the 4th of July she wants her hair in pigtails with big bows on each pigtail. Today I decided that I had better begin making the bows (tomorrow is the 4th after all). About an hour later this is what I came up with. I did make two of them. I will post pictures of Sarah in the bows tomorrow.
We hope you all have a fun and safe 4th tomorrow.


Last tuesday Kiersten got her braces. It took us 3 hours to put them on. She was so good and patient while they worked on her. She has full braces on the top and bottom as well as a double helix on the top to spread her mouth apart wider. Afterwards her mouth was very sore. The first night she was not sure that she wanted to go through the prosses but a week later she is glad. We can't wait to see how she will look when they are all finished.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sunny Room

Last Thursday our water heater leaked water into our family room. Cleaning it up required replacing the carpet. After moving all the furniture out (Thanks Connie, Arron, Nick, Zack,Billy, and Scott) the carpet was replaced. While contemplating the daunting task of replacing all of the furniture, I decided that the room needed to be painted first. On Saturday, Richard and I painted while the kids were wonderful and stayed out of our way. When we bought the paint i noticed that 2 of the gallons had been mixed with pastel based paint while one had been mixed with an accent based paint. After being assured by more that one person that it would not make a difference, we took the paint home. Saturday night after spending the whole day painting, we realized that the people at Home Depot were wrong and it does make a difference. We had to get the room painted because Kiersten and Sarah's room was completely filled with furniture and they could not sleep of get to any of their cloths. This only meant one thing, we had to finish the room Saturday night. With much hard work from the whole family we were able to get the room a much needed face lift. Thanks to Guy and Drue we were able to get the beast of a couch back downstairs and the room is now functional again.
Notice the two color walls

My cute boy

I finally cashed in some of my Disney rewards points and got Dallin this cars tent. When it arrived we set it up in the backyard and played with it all day. When it was tim to come in and go to bed Dallin insisted that he be allowed to sleep in it. He wanted the tent in his room, so we moved it in there. After piling all of his blankets and pillows into it, and alot of patience,he finally went to sleep. In the morning he climbed into our bed and informed us that he never wanted to sleep in the tent again because it gave him nightmares.

Cute hair site

Thanks Chris for cluing me in on the wonderful hair blog. I am learning so much. Sarah wakes up everyday and asks what will my hair look like today.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Becca playing Violin

I am so proud of Becca. She amazes me daily with her spiritual strength and she is an amazing student. So my smarter then I ever was. She has worked so hard this year on Violin. Last week when she came out of her lessons she told me that she has a passion for violin and that she loves playing. I love to hear her play and thought that I would share a little of her playing with you. Enjoy!

She was not excited to do this for me as she kept noting that it never sounds good without a professional recording. I think she sounds great!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Free Time

So school is out. What do I do with my free time you might ask? Well, I have been quite busy in the the 3 days since school got out. I have finished crocheting a baby quilt, started a baby sweather with yarn Nicole sent home from Duluth, finished the Love quilt I started 2 years ago,

And finished the civil war quilt I started 5 or 6 years ago. Whew, what a weekend!

Kiersten's Teeth

On friday Kiersten got 4 baby teeth pulled so that she would have room for her mouth to move with braces. She was so good about it. The worst parts were the shots, after that she was home free. The recovery has been a piece of cake other than the fact that it is hard to chew.